What is Bitcoin cryptocurrency, Efirium, Dodzhkoin

Bitcoin (Bitcoin)

The very first and most expensive currency today is, of course, BITCOIN..

You can see the current Bitcoin exchange rate below.

What is bitcoin in simple terms?

One can say, that bitcoin is a computer program. Only it is not located on a specific computer or server, and simultaneously on millions of computers, that communicate directly with each other through this program.

bitcoin movie logo

This is how torrents work.. You install the program, and someone else does the same. And after that you can transfer files to each other directly, without any servers involved, and with little or no control.

This is how the bitcoin system works. Only the task of this program is not to transfer files between users, and give them "virtual points".

IN 2008 year by a person or group of people under a pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto (hence the name of the coin Bitcoin – Satoshi (Satoshi) a file was published describing the protocol and operating principle of the payment system in the form of a peer-to-peer network.

3 January 2009 year the first block and the first 50 bitcoin.

Then more and more new types of cryptocurrencies began to appear, so-called altcoins (dogecoin, litecoin, etherium, monero, etc.). Not all altcoins have growth prospects. You can find out online rates of popular cryptocurrencies on the website CoinMarketCap

How many satoshis are there in bitcoin??

100 000 000 satoshi = 1 Bitcoin

Ethereum (Efirium)

Ethereum (etherium, Ethereum, ether) – you can say it’s also a cryptocurrency, and decentralized environment, which revolutionized the IT sector.

ethereum logotype

When launching this platform, the creators of Ether pursued the standard goals for cryptocurrency authors - improving Bitcoin. However, Ether can hardly be called Bitcoin 2.0. They are somewhat similar, but there are a number of global differences between them.

ETH holds status second the most popular cryptocurrency in the world and the most revolutionary.

Before you Online cryptocurrency course ETHEREUM

Dogecoin (Dodzhkoin, Dogikoin)

Dogikoin (dojiks) very popular cryptocurrency in the world.

As a symbol Dogecoin the developers used an image of a Japanese Shiba Inu dog. The name of the cryptocurrency is actually translated into Russian as "Dog Coin".

dogecoin logotype

Among the main features of Dogecoin, which distinguish it from other cryptocurrencies can be called the following:

• The Scrypt algorithm is used to encrypt data on the network, instead of standard SHA-256, which makes mining easier.

• Very low transaction fees compared to Bitcoin fees. Usually the amount commission no more than one cent, whereas on the Bitcoin network the commission can reach 10 US dollars.

• High transaction processing speed.

• The low cost of coins allows almost any user to purchase them.